I’m Denise,
a CAMBERLEY wedding photographer
And I’m (hopefully) going to be your wedding photographer! 🙂
Seriously, thank you for stopping by my website! I hope you’ve enjoyed having a wonder around and found everything you need?
This is the bit when I don’t talk photography, just a bit about me, not at all awkward 🙂
It’s great to meet you.
I’ve been a Camberley wedding photographer for 16 wonderful years. I started out photographing everything from pets, babies, families, head shots and weddings. I soon realised it was weddings that I was truly passionate about. I like the uniqueness, meeting so many amazing couples’ and their families on one of the most special days of their life. It is genuinely a privilege to witness such a personal and momentous occasion.
Pre photography, I worked in the corporate world managing sales and operations teams in banking and IT. My work took me all over the UK and Europe. And in lock down, when the world stopped, I decided to embark on a counselling and psychotherapy qualification. I guess what I am trying to say is I am fascinated by people, how they think, feel and interact, and how to get the best from them, a great skill on a wedding day!
I’m a mum of two loud and often sassy teenagers, a gorgeous dog who is like my third child (I do adore him), and a slightly fat cat, and I have a very patient husband who tolerates my bad singing and mismatched lyrics, which I will insist are correct.
I love to laugh out loud – we laugh a lot in our house, there’s always teasing to be had and kitchen dance off’s, sing alongs to everything from 90’s classics to rap (you can thank my 16 year old for that).
I love being outdoors, it doesn’t matter where, just being out in the open, with fresh air, a hot coffee , the dog in tow and a podcast on the go, anything F1. I’m a Spurs fan and I met the legend that is Harry Redknapp at a wedding, such a lovely man.
I try to see the best in every situation…
to be kind to others and take the joy in life’s simple things. There are two mottos that resonate in our house; “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it” and “Better to regret the things you’ve done than regret the things you’ve never even tried” – (though I’m thinking this maybe withdrawn as my children reach their teenage years!) I love to travel and experience new things with my children, I want them to explore the world and see other ways of life. I have a soft spot for Australia and would move there in a heart beat.